Monday 13 February 2017

Better Sounds with Added Safety

Car audio shops nearly all have the added attraction of selling security and safety products. When upgrading a car sound system you may as well look at some of these other goodies.

Even if your car has a reversing audio system factory fitted, it can be further improved with a visual aid in the form of rear facing cameras.

This is a particularly useful addition especially for RVs and other larger vehicles. And maybe all drivers should consider adding extra recording devices such as a forward facing dash camera and possibly another taking in all of the internal space in the car.

In countries like Russia nobody likes to drive without a forward facing camera and there has been recent debate in the UK about making it compulsory. If not compulsory then possibly offering those running one to have some sort of insurance discount.

At my local car audio Ilford shop they are selling increasing numbers of these cameras. They can save hours of investigation into why and how an accident occurred.

It seems logical that the day will come when cars are manufactured with these devices built in to record and act just like the airplanes black box.

By having a complete running record embedded in a memory chip Insurers and police will be able to see exactly the circumstances of the accident. Unfortunately, whilst these items are just a voluntary added piece of equipment there is human interference to contend with.

If a person has one fitted and is responsible for an accident then at the moment all they have to do is lose the camera or claim it had been left at home.

New cars have generally very good quality sound systems but there is always some room for improvement in all but the most expensive limousines.

They also leave room for acoustic improvement with the simple addition of sticking dampening material to all the panels from boot to doors as well as the roof of the car. That sounds like a perfect weekend job for anyone wanting to make the most of their car sound system.