Tuesday 26 September 2017

Where’s the Best Place to Find Advice About Your In-Car Stereo?

If you're anything like me, you want your in-car stereo to produce the best quality music it can. I hear every anomaly in my audio – if the tempo’s off, if the bass is too low, if there’s fading, I can spot it all.

Finding the right advice to improve your system isn’t always easy. It can sometimes feel as if everyone you speak to is an expert. In the past, this has led me into making some poor decisions. For instance, I once changed all of the cables to my speakers when the problem turned out to be caused by power handling and sensitivity issues.

Not only was it a waste of time, it was a waste of money too. Although, to be fair, speaker cables aren’t particularly expensive. Nonetheless, it was a cost that I didn’t have to make if only I’d known who was worth listening to and who wasn’t.

Over the years, I’ve come to realise exactly who it is who knows what they’re talking about when it comes to in-car audio. Here are a few notes on the problem:

1. Internet Forums: you can find some real golden nuggets of advice in the forums, but as with gold nuggets, there a rare find. Instead, what you find is a lot of fool’s gold. These people sound like they know what they're talking about, but actually have no idea.

Most of them are part way through an audio degree, or they’ve spent time tinkering at home, because they know a little, they think they know a lot. They're the most infuriating because they’re so genuine.

2. Car Audio Websites: these are great and have plenty of useful information. If you have a specific problem, then you can find plenty of help here. The problems come when you have an issue that they don’t cover, or when you're following their advice, but something happens that makes your issue slightly different.

Because you're reading articles or watching videos, they can’t give you advice about the specifics of an issue. This can result in you getting half way through a job and getting stuck. It’s extremely annoying!

3. Car Audio Centres: for me, this is the best place to get help. My local car audio centre Ilford is manned by professionals who understand, and have worked in, car audio technologies for years. They mostly understand the issues, but where they don’t, they have contacts that do. I’ve never had a problem here. The only thing is that you have to pay for the service, but in my opinion, it’s worth it.

Are you looking for advice about your in-car stereo setup? If so, please visit https://www.incarmusic.co.uk/.

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