Showing posts with label car stereos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label car stereos. Show all posts

Monday 19 May 2014


When you pass your driving test as an eighteen year old and get your first old banger it takes a while before that feeling of freedom wears off and the pleasure of driving for the sake of it is one full of memories that stays with you for the rest of your life.

Being able to cruise along with your favourite music blasting out loud on the car stereo system is a whole lot better feeling than sitting at home; it even sounds better!

Car stereos with CD player are fitted as standard in virtually all makes and model of new car but it never used to be the case decades ago. Before the invention of the CD player there was the mini-cassette and before that there was the VHS or Betamax tape. The tapes were the size of a thick paperback book and the glove compartment could only store half a dozen at most.

Car stereos
Car stereos

Today with iPod and iPhone interface kits the amount of music you can listen to is almost limitless.

The car is a great environment for entertainment of all kinds particularly when still a teenager and enjoying any excuse for having to drive somewhere. The quality of the sound system is only limited by your pocket.

On the other hand, you do not have to spend a fortune to upgrade the car stereo system in your car as you will discover when you look at a site online like the one at In Car Music.

Here you will be able to buy interface kits, new speakers, amplifiers, Bluetooth, DVD/USB, add-on navigation systems and security products to name just a few extras. It is possible to turn your car into a state of the art audio/visual theatre to make even the longest trips pass quickly.

Globally the sales of products that are designed simply to facilitate the addition of portable devices runs at something like half a billion dollars a year although doubtlessly this figure will peak soon before dropping as car manufacturers fit interfaces as standard.

For everything to do with car stereos

Wednesday 19 March 2014


Only just a decade ago car stereos were prone to theft.  It used to be devastating to see our lovely cars’ dashboards disembowelled with debris strewn all over where the thieves had smashed a window and ripped your system out.

If your car is an older model you will do well to purchase a new stereo model that these days is fairly theft proof.  This is borne out by car theft having gone down drastically in the last decade.

There is another factor that has contributed to the theft figures going down and that is that most modern cars have a factory fitted stereo and they are not worth stealing as all other models of the same year have the same system and prices of new kits have also considerably gone down in recent years.

You will be relatively safe, therefore, to buy a stereo for your older car these days as thieves will generally leave them alone as there is no money in it for them.  However, should you have iPhone or pod accessories fitted, these are still attractive to vandals.
car stereos

Although the modern systems are entirely adequate for most people, there are the ones amongst us that want the best surround sound when they are travelling thousands of miles every year.  In this case to immerse yourself in a concert setting is really important especially if you are a real connoisseur.

You may want to change the speakers too in this case.  These are almost the most important accessory to achieve the optimum pure sounds.  If you really want to push the boat out, you can opt for component speakers. 

These are speakers that can only pick up their specific sound range.  You will need several of these to reproduce the different sounds required to make up all the sound ranges that makes up an orchestra or a band.  It will require some space to accommodate all the different components in an average car.

If you think that you do not have enough space, you can always upgrade with coaxial speakers.

For a decent range of car stereos please visit

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Friday 27 December 2013

Picking the Best Stereo for Your Car: How to Make the Right Choices

If you spend a lot of time in your car – and if you live in the UK and commute, we’re sure you do –, it makes sense to have an in-car stereo. You can listen to your favourite music, listen to your favourite podcasts, and listen to talking stories. It’s a much more enjoyable way to travel. Choosing car stereos is relative easy, but there are a few things that you need to consider. Here, we have provided you with a brief guideline to help you to make the process easier, and to help you to make the best choices.

Set Your Budget
There are thousands of car stereos on the market. This makes it difficult to make a decision. With so many options, we can get confused and this, unfortunately, can lead to making some wrong decisions. One way that you can help to reduce your choices is by setting yourself a budget. You know how much money you can afford to spend, so you set this as a limit. There are a few things that you need to remember:

1.       Remember to account for all the accessories, as well as the stereo itself.

2.       Remember to buy the highest quality equipment that your budget allows. Quality will affect the sound quality; the lower quality audio equipment will not produce as crisp a sound as the higher quality equipment.
3.       Remember that quality and price are not necessarily linked. Sometimes you pay over the odds for a low quality system because it is made by a certain brand. Other times you pay less for something that is much more valuable. Therefore, we recommend that you do some research into good quality car audio systems, rather than basing your decisions solely on the price or on the brand.

4.       When setting your budget consider that you may have to pay for an installation service, which can be expensive.

Think about the Connections
With car stereos there are now two general formats: mp3 & cd. In the past, you could buy mini-disc players and tape decks, but these are now largely obsolete. Modern stereos often have USB connectors, and we certainly advise buying such a stereo because you can then connect your phone, mp3 players, tablets, and various other accessories directly to your in-car audio systems. Both CD and mp3 stereos can have a USB connection – we recommend that you make sure your model does. USB is going to be around for a while, so the technology is unlikely to become obsolete…unlike CDs, which are well on their way out.

Another type of connection that you can get is Bluetooth. With this, you can connect compatible devices (such as your tablet & phone if they run on Bluetooth) wirelessly using the Bluetooth technology. This means doing without USB connections entirely. However, the technology is not quite up to scratch to warrant a Bluetooth device with no other type of connection, such as USB.

We hope that you enjoyed this article. If you would like to enquire about car stereos, then please visit

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Tuesday 19 November 2013

Things to Think about when Buying a New Car Stereo System

Many people choose to replace the factory-installed car stereo system in their car. This is because the factory-installed products are often of a low quality, both in terms of technology and in terms of sound quality. There are several things to consider when changing a car’s stereo system, and below we are going to look at some of the things that you should be considering.

The Head Unit
The head unit is basically the control panel. On most cars, you will find it on the dash in the centre console. The head unit is the piece of equipment that brings all the other components of the system together: the CD player (If you have one and if it’s separate), tape deck, speakers, woofers, etc. It is the panel that you use to control volume, track listing, radio channels, and so on.

There are many different types of head unit on the market, each offering a variety of features. You will find that they come in different shapes and sizes, although there is some standardisation within the industry (unlike with speakers, but we’ll come to that in a minute).

When choosing your head unit you need to make sure that you know what type of mountings it has, its size, and the features it offers. You then have to make sure that they are compatible with your car. If you have trouble understanding these issues, then you should speak to your car stereos retailer because they will have plenty of helpful information for you.

The amplifiers increase the volume of car stereos. They are essential in cars because the music/radio talk needs to be heard over the noise of the engine, the ambient noise of the traffic, and the noise of the car as it travels over the tarmac.

The problem with amplifying sounds is that the louder it gets the more distorted it becomes. Modern amplifiers are very good at amplification without distortion. You do need to research good makes and models, though, to make sure you buy something of quality.

Amplifiers are often better at creating crisp sounds if they come as a standalone unit. Some amplifiers come as part of the speaker units, while others come as their own unit. The latter are better, but they take up more space. Unless you have a fantastic musical ear, you probably won’t notice the difference between each type of amplifier, especially with modern technologies. 

The Speakers
There are three types of speaker: woofers, mid-range, and tweeters. Each deals with a different section of the sound spectrum. The woofer deals with the lower frequency, the mid-range with the medium frequencies, and the tweeters with the higher frequencies.

Speakers can come as standalone units: the woofer, tweeter, etc. come separately. This is known as a component system. In a coaxial system, though, the woofer, tweeter, etc., is combined in a single unit.