Wednesday 25 December 2013

How You Can Improve In-Car Entertainment System

For some of you your car is something that you don’t think about very often. You probably prefer to use public transport, and leave the car for longer trips. But, for others of you, you will spend a lot of time in your car: the commute, picking the kids up from school, driving in to town to do your shopping, taking drives, etc.

For the latter group, you’ll understand the importance of in-car entertainment. It can become very boring sat in a car for too long, especially if you happen to live in one of the largest cities where gridlock is commonplace. For you, your in-car entertainment will be paramount to your journeys. A good system will help to stave off any boredom you may feel.

However, many cars are ill equipped in terms of their entertainment systems. They may have poor car audio, there may be no mp3 player, etc., and there is a reason for this. Many manufacturers know that people buy cars based on their performance, rather than on their on-board entertainment. They spend a lot of time developing various aspects, such as drivability, manoeuvrability, handling, breaking systems, and so on. This means that they tend to neglect the entertainment aspect. This is secondary to most people’s concerns when buying a car, and so they do little to accommodate it. If you want a decent in-car entertainment system, then you have to do it yourself.

Here are a few ideas about how you can improve your driving experience, besides matters best left to the engineers.

MP3 Compatible Head Units
There are four types of head unit:

1.       Tape decks
2.       Mini-disk players
3.       CD players
4.       MP3 players

You can find players that combine two or more options, but these are the basic configurations. The first two in the list have largely become obsolete, and the third is on its way out. In terms of technology, number 4 is by far the best. If you don’t have an mp3 compatible car audio system, then it’s definitely worth upgrading. MP3 have many benefits:

·         You can skip between tracks without needing to fast-forward
·         You can have a much larger playlist. Even the most basic players have storage for thousands of audio files
·         You can create playlists

Bluetooth and Wireless Technologies
You can choose between USB connections and Bluetooth or wireless connections. Bluetooth and other types of wireless connections are superior to USB connection. There are no wires, for a start, which means that anyone in the car can control the music from a distance. There is less interference because no wires means no erosion, and erosion leads to bad sounds.

DVD Players
You can buy DVD players to install in your car. Unfortunately, this is not available for the driver…well, actually, we mean fortunately, because it’s would be dangerous to watch DVDs and drive. Your back seat passengers can benefit, and that’s great if you have kids.

Games Consoles
As well as being able to install DVD players, you can also install games consoles. Several models of car come with PlayStation 4! Again, you can’t play if you’re the driver, but if your wife makes you stay in the car when you're shopping, they're ideal! Also, great for kids.

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