Thursday 26 December 2013

What You Can Do With Your Phone in Your Car

The title does sound a bit off to be fair, but we’re talking about everyday things that you can use your phone for in the car. These are things that you may not think your phone capable of, or that you might have overlooked as a function. Phones, as you know, are no longer used exclusively for their phone function, and there are many ways in which they can help make your driving life more interesting. Here, we’re going to look at some of the ways that your phone can help your driving experience.

If you’ve every bought a satnav, you’ll know that they're fairly reasonably priced. A basic satnav will cost, on average, between £60 & £200. However, even though they may be fairly cheap (although, many of us would struggle to purchase even the lower end models) they're an expense that you don’t have to have. Instead, you can use your phone as a satnav. Most modern smart phones allow you to download satnav application. You can then use a docking station to mount the phone and use it as a satnav. Before you do this, though, research your phone and research potential apps, as they are not all equal: some apps are better than others are, and certain services may incur roaming charges, so do check.

MP3 Player
This is one that you all should know, but your smart phone can act as an in car mp3 player. Some people will connect their phones to their stereos using a USB connection (with modern stereos, at least), but the best way to get high functionality is to use an interface kit, such as the iPhone car interface kits. The iPhone car interface kits allow you to have much more control over the phone via a control panel. You can then play music the same way that you would through your phone.

MP4 Player
So, most people know that they can plug their phones in to their stereos and play mp3 files, but modern cars will also allow people to connect their smartphones and tablets and play mp4 formats (video & sound). Being able to play video in your car will increase your driving experience tenfold. But, you can’t watch videos and drive; so unfortunately, the benefits are to the passengers only.

Unlock Your Car
Did you know that you could use your phone to unlock your keys if you accidently leave your keys somewhere that there is another person who has access to a phone (that sounds incredibly convoluted!). For instance, say you're at work and you leave your keys on the desk, you’re colleague in the next desk down has access to your keys. You can phone your colleague, tell them to get the keys and then instruct them to press the unlock button down the phone. The signal will travel down the phone and will open the car. This sounds mad, but it has something to do with the infrared spectrum.

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