Monday 19 May 2014


The factory installed audio systems in modern cars are generally very good although for the real aficionados they can always be improved upon, except in the most luxurious cars where it would be hard to improve on the one fitted.

Some of these top of the range cars have over two thousand watt systems with twenty speakers built in and the sound is probably better than anything we lesser mortals could achieve at home given a few thousand pounds to spend on attempting it.

There are stores up and down the country like the London one of In Car Music that have a thriving business selling everything to do with car entertainment. The busiest part of the business at the moment is the selling of interface kits for iPod and iPhones as well as USB ports, Bluetooth and rear seat LED displays.

car speakers
car speakers

Perhaps because the car can be an excellent surround sound system it is not too surprising that some younger people can become almost obsessed with trying to achieve the perfect sound.

The results can usually be heard before they are seen by the rest of us. In some cases it seems that the whole of the back half of the car is stuffed with car speakers big and small.

These are usually a mix of base, woofers and tweeters with some huge amplifier sitting beneath the lot.
On the internet you can see photos of the boots of cars where the different speakers are arranged and locked together to create almost a new art form.  Perhaps a new word should be found for this audio sculpturing.

When so much is spent on the speakers you can bet that a similarly large amount of cash has been spent on the head unit and amplifier. What you will not easily see is the extra dampening that has been used to line the whole of the inside of the car.

This is to create near perfect acoustics as this is essential to compliment the increase in quality systems.



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