Showing posts with label car speakers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label car speakers. Show all posts

Monday 19 May 2014


The factory installed audio systems in modern cars are generally very good although for the real aficionados they can always be improved upon, except in the most luxurious cars where it would be hard to improve on the one fitted.

Some of these top of the range cars have over two thousand watt systems with twenty speakers built in and the sound is probably better than anything we lesser mortals could achieve at home given a few thousand pounds to spend on attempting it.

There are stores up and down the country like the London one of In Car Music that have a thriving business selling everything to do with car entertainment. The busiest part of the business at the moment is the selling of interface kits for iPod and iPhones as well as USB ports, Bluetooth and rear seat LED displays.

car speakers
car speakers

Perhaps because the car can be an excellent surround sound system it is not too surprising that some younger people can become almost obsessed with trying to achieve the perfect sound.

The results can usually be heard before they are seen by the rest of us. In some cases it seems that the whole of the back half of the car is stuffed with car speakers big and small.

These are usually a mix of base, woofers and tweeters with some huge amplifier sitting beneath the lot.
On the internet you can see photos of the boots of cars where the different speakers are arranged and locked together to create almost a new art form.  Perhaps a new word should be found for this audio sculpturing.

When so much is spent on the speakers you can bet that a similarly large amount of cash has been spent on the head unit and amplifier. What you will not easily see is the extra dampening that has been used to line the whole of the inside of the car.

This is to create near perfect acoustics as this is essential to compliment the increase in quality systems.



Wednesday 19 March 2014


Some extremely expensive cars come with superb sound around systems and in the case of at least one luxury well-known brand the music system alone comes to the price of a brand new small family hatchback.
Most ordinary car manufacturers trying to save as much money as possible will fit very modest sound systems. That is not to say they are bad systems it is just that for the purists who drive long distances and enjoy good music then the factory fitted audio can certainly be greatly improved upon at modest cost.

For an idea of what is available in car entertainment both sound and visual then In Car Music reveal all the latest equipment on their website with a promise of next day delivery assuming the item you request is in stock.

There are too many improvements to go into much detail in this blog but the car speakers alone are worth special attention.

car speakers
car speakers

The average car today is a well- insulated and quiet motorised vehicle compared with just fifty years ago. The result is an environment that lends itself perfectly to good acoustics. The factory fitted speakers in most new cars do not do justice to this possibility of excellent sound and often they have been placed in inappropriate areas of the car.

With new woofers, tweeters and all in-between and a top make stereo to replace the existing one it is not difficult to create a sound that will help you sit-out the worst traffic jams whilst you gaily sing-along.

Interface kits for iPhones and iPods can also be purchased here so that the your personal collection of favoured music can be blasting along as you drive to work thinking perhaps that it all sounds even better than that home hi-fi of yours or even a headset.

Visit this site and take a look at the many ways your modest car can be turned into a theatre with the acoustics of a symphony hall. You can even go the whole hog and put a monster amplifier/speaker in the boot leaving no space for shopping.


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Tuesday 4 February 2014

Get Full Surround Sound

The latest generation of speakers and amplifiers helps create sounds in the car never heard before. The quality of some of the top brands available here can turn a car into a music concert hall.

The mix of tweeters, woofers, mid-woofers and mid-range speakers can all help create sound that will have you sitting in your car even when there is nowhere to go. In fact, with the miserable cold winter and excessive home heating bills it is not unheard of for people to sit in their car with the engine at idle and heaters on.

Add to this a top sound system and a comfortable reclined seat and what better way is there to spend a couple of hours on a miserable day. An engine in just idle mode uses less electricity or gas in home heating so perhaps we could solve the problem of expensive housing by living in an RV fitted with top of the range audio/visual systems.

With fitting kits that allow you to plug in your iPhone or iPod it is possible to blast out all your favourites.
At In Car Music discreet modifications can be made to the factory audio system or indiscreet giant woofers can fill the boot. Screens can be fitted onto the back of the front two seats for the entertainment of kids on long journeys.

All alterations to the existing car speakers can be personalised to allow any type of wireless device including the very latest in GPS systems. All your Apps can help pass away the hours and that Summer Bank Holiday traffic hold-up does not have to be such a drag.

Take a look around this online site and consider the ways you can improve your car. Everything can be bought online but if you are within range of the workshop in Leyton then perhaps you should visit as there is nothing likes talking over the goods with an experienced fitter who will also be able to advise on the best equipment for your particular make and model of car.

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Tuesday 19 November 2013

Choosing the Right Speakers for Your Car

Many people choose to change their car speakers. There are various reasons for this. Sometimes it’s to replace factory-installed speakers, which tend to produce low quality sounds. Other times, it’s to replace self-installed speakers that have reached the end of their life. Either way, there are a few things that you need to consider before you make your choice.

The Capacity of Your Car
Before you even start looking for new speakers, you first need to look at your car. You need to think about a few things here:

1.       How much power can your car discharge? Different cars have different battery capacities. Some batteries are excellent, while others are less good. You need to be sure that the power of the speakers does not interfere with the power source to other areas of the car, such as the lights. If the speakers draw too much power it can lead to dimmer lights and various other problems. There are several options here. You could have a separate back up for your speakers, so it draws minimal power from the engine, or you could upgrade your battery if it has a low power output.

2.       How much space do you have in your car? Many people prefer to separate their speakers into their various components – the woofers, the tweeters and the mid-range car speakers. This takes up more space, but creates a better sound system. Make sure that you work out how much space you are willing to dedicate to the speakers, before you make your purchase. You may decide to get speakers that fit in the existing speaker compartments, or you may wish to lose some of your boot space in order to accommodate new speakers.

3.       How big the pre-existing speaker compartments are. Different makes and model of car have different fixtures and fittings. You need to make sure that the equipment you buy is compatible with your car. Most retailers will be able to advise you on this issue.

Does the Head Unit Have the Relevant Connections?
Different head units are made to cater to different types of system. You can find coaxial head units and component head units. The component units have a greater number of connections because more equipment is used. A component system basically separates the woofers, tweeter, and amplifiers so that each stands alone. A coaxial system has fewer connections because they usually have fewer speakers. This is because the coaxial system combines the woofer, tweeters and amplifiers as a single unit.

How Much Money Can You Afford
Different types of systems come in different price ranges. Because there are few parts, the coaxial systems are cheaper than the component systems. However, the component systems produce better quality sounds. It is a tossup between what you can afford and how good you want the quality of the sound. Most people can’t tell the difference between each system, so if you don’t have too much of a musical ear, the cheaper ones will be just as good as the more expensive ones.